Sternal osteochondrosis: symptoms, sensations and treatment characteristics

Thoracic osteochondrosis photo 1

Osteochondrosis-malnutrition and degenerative changes of cartilage and bone tissue. Spinal osteochondrosis can occur in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine. The progression of the disease leads to the destruction of ligaments, joint structures, and intervertebral discs.

Spinal osteochondrosis in the thoracic region is uncommon. This is due to the particularity of its structure. Its mobility is lower than that of the cervical and lumbar spine. Part of the load is borne by the ribs and sternum. The danger of pathology lies in the difficulty of its diagnosis. Symptoms are similar to other diseases, but they are discovered late, which complicates the treatment process.

The cause of the disease

Thoracic Osteochondrosis Photo 2

The development of thoracic osteochondrosis is related to metabolic disorders and increased intervertebral disc load. Inside the intervertebral disc is the nucleus pulposus, surrounded by annulus fibrosus. If it is damaged, drying up and loss of amortized quality of the kernel will occur. Due to the degenerative process, the nerve fibers of the spinal cord will become inflamed and clamped.

The causes of osteochondrosis may be:

  • Genetic
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • The presence of osteophytes;
  • Insufficient blood supply to the spinal cord due to vascular clipping;
  • Violation of mineral metabolism (especially calcium deficiency);
  • Curvature of the spine, which creates uneven load on the intervertebral discs;
  • Trauma to the chest area due to falls, bruises, or impacts;
  • Strength exercise, weight lifting regularly;
  • Passive lifestyle.

Symptoms and feelings of chest osteochondrosis

There are several factors that affect the clinical manifestations of pathology:

  • The degree of spinal injury;
  • The age of the patient;
  • The stage of the pathological process (worsening or remission).

The symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are diverse and non-specific, so the disease is often confused with other pathologies.

The main symptoms of breast osteochondrosis:

  • Dorsago-Sudden, severe pain in the chest and back ("chest and back pain"), and the patient feels short of breath.
  • Back pain is a slight pain in the affected vertebrae that develops gradually over several weeks. The pain is exacerbated when you breathe deeply, bend to the side and forward, and stay still for a long time.

Severe belt pain and breathing problems are related to intercostal neuralgia, in which nerve roots are compressed. The intensity of the pain usually increases in the afternoon and subsides after a night of sleep.

Nervous system symptoms include:

  • Violation of the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • Myocardial numbness;
  • Pulmonary syndrome;
  • Tingling, burning, numbness of the skin;
  • Twitches and muscle cramps;
  • When osteochondrosis is located in the upper chest, there is a feeling that a foreign body is present in the pharynx.

Intercostal neuralgia is a symptom of degenerative inflammation of the spine (osteochondrosis, vertebral displacement, scoliosis). But its appearance is similar to the signs of various diseases of the peritoneal organs and thoracic cavity area.

notes!Usually, the pain occurs in the upper area of the chest area, gradually covering it completely, and the scapula area (reminiscent of angina). Pain in the right ribs is accompanied by osteochondrosis in the middle chest area. They can be diagnosed as pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Gastrointestinal soreness occurs in lesions in the lower thoracic section of the spine, similar to intestinal diseases.

Stage of disease

Chest pain with sternal osteochondrosis

The degree of development of the disease is related to pathological disorders of the spine and is characterized by certain clinical symptoms.

The development of the disease has 4 periods:

  • First level-There is a crack inside the annulus fibrosus, and then the fluid from the nucleus pulposus seeps into it. Pain syndrome occurs, confined to the affected area. There may be pain in the myocardium and muscle spasms.
  • Level 2-There is abnormal movement between the vertebrae, and the chest subluxation is obvious. Discomfort and pain will increase during prolonged static posture or exercise.
  • Grade 3-The annulus fibrosis ruptures and extends beyond the nucleus pulposus. The formation of intervertebral hernia occurred. This can cause severe back pain, mobility problems, and other symptoms.
  • 4 degrees-The pathological process extends beyond the spine. In the changes of degenerative dystrophy, the paravertebral ligaments are involved and fibrosis develops.


Radiography has a high amount of information. The existence of pathology is indicated by:

  • Uneven disc edges;
  • Enlargement and sharpening of the uncinate process;
  • The height of the disc is reduced and the shape is deformed;
  • The presence of osteophytes.

Sometimes X-ray contrast studies are performed. The contrast agent fills the damaged disc, which makes it possible to determine the extent to which the pathological process has been overlooked. MRI and computed tomography are believed to provide the same information.

Effective treatment

How to treat thoracic osteochondrosis? The treatment method must be comprehensive. It is necessary to consider the stage of development of the disease, the extent of the destructive process, and the general condition of the patient.

medical treatement

In the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis, several groups of drugs are used.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants;
  • Glucocorticoids. Their therapeutic effects are more pronounced than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but the risk of side effects is higher.
  • Cartilage protective agent. It is believed that chondroprotective agents help regulate damaged cartilage tissue. But their effectiveness has not been finally confirmed.
  • During the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, diuretics are used for a short time to relieve the swelling of the strangulated nerve fibers.

Folk remedies and recipes

Celery for treatment of breast osteochondrosis

It is more commonly used during remission and only as an additional treatment.

Using traditional medicine to treat osteochondrosis at home:

  • Pour 30-40 grams of chopped celery root with 1 liter of boiling water. Persist for 8 hours. Drink 3 times a day, 1 dessert spoon each time.
  • Use steam to melt 150 grams of lard. Add 2 tablespoons of wax. Warm up for 15 minutes. Add 1 scoop of ammonia. Wipe the problem area twice a day. Store in a cool place.

Massage and exercise therapy

One of the most effective treatments for osteochondrosis is massage. It helps to eliminate muscle spasms, improve blood supply to problem areas, and normalize the functional state of the spine. As the disease worsens, vibration massage is recommended. After the clinical manifestations have subsided, a course of classical massage can be performed.

When there is an intervertebral hernia, massage for grade 3 thoracic osteochondrosis is not recommended. This will aggravate the patient's condition.

The goal of osteochondrosis physical therapy and gymnastics is to improve the mobility of the intervertebral joints and increase muscle strength. Exercise therapy can relieve muscle spasms and eliminate spinal stiffness. Courses should be conducted daily under the supervision of experienced teachers. Their plan is made individually for each patient.

Power characteristics

The main principles of rational nutrition in the treatment of sternal osteochondrosis:

  • The diet contains a lot of protein;
  • Eliminate greasy and fried food;
  • Food should be cooked or baked.

Salt should be eliminated from the diet, or salt should be restricted significantly. Avoid carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks. It is best to replace them with herbal teas and natural juices. In order to enhance the synthesis of cartilage tissue, it is useful to add chondroitin-containing jelly, jelly, and jelly to the diet. In order to get enough calcium to maintain bone health, you need to eat dairy products. Adherence to proper nutrition prevents the progression of the pathological process.


In order to prevent the development and deterioration of the destructive process of the thoracic spine, it is recommended to take preventive measures as soon as possible and follow up regularly.

Spinal model and thoracic osteochondrosis


  • Do special exercises for the back every day;
  • Quit drug addiction;
  • Eat right
  • Normalize weight;
  • Sitting for 10 minutes every hour, you need to do warm-up exercises;
  • Swimming, water aerobic exercise;

Compared with cervical and lumbar spine, thoracic spine osteochondrosis is not common. But its impact on the body is equally dangerous. Due to the similarity of symptoms to other pathologies, it is difficult to detect it in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of the spine at all times and take all measures to prevent pathological damage.